Friday, December 2, 2011

More Chooks!

My lovely white pekins, you can also see Chicko and Junior in the background. Junior is George's son.

Emu is the grey silkie, he and the beautiful belgiums came from Vicki
This is the last pen, with a cochin and 2 black laced wyandottes. They are quite lovely!
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Pen with Cochin Mum "Pretty Girl"

There are lots of photos here but I couldn't cut the numbers down, it was too hard!!!
All of the chicks were born approx 6th of November.

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Cute Chicks!!! Pen of 6

OMG, these chicks are soo cute. There are two in particular that have THE MOST amazing foot feathering ever!! "Surragote" Mother is Ebony, who is doing a beautiful job. There is another chick in here that has caught my eye, it has black australorp "grey" legs, can't wait to see what happens as it gets bigger!

There are two other pens, one with 9 and one with 3. Will post more pics of those over the coming days!!

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Monday, October 17, 2011

Growing growing

An update on these 2 cuties, how fast they are growing!! The black and tan girl must be orpington cross black australorp, those big beautiful eyes look just like her mothers!! Just put some eggs under clucky hens, this time Cochin George is the father, can't wait to see what happens!!!!
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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Buff Pekin Girl

Hi, to avoid any confusion, thought I'd do 2 posts, one of the pekin girl, and one of the cochin male! This is the lovely buff pekin girl. She is about 10 months old. You can see in the photo below a cochin in the background, and although she has her neck stretched high, she's still much smaller than the cochins!(the ground in the cochin pen behind is also lower than her pen)
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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

New Chicks!!!

OMG! Last year was exciting having so many cochin babies, but they were all basically the same colour. This rainbow of colours is just so different and so beautiful!! The photo here to the left shows the older cochin chick. She was very happy to see some friends, as she has been on her own for a few days.

This photo was taken last night. Half of them are less than 24 hours old, and as you can see, they're all exhausted, with their heads flat on the floor!!! Can you see the buff (tan) one on the far right has a black stripe on her head? Cute!

The black ones have a light tan on their heads, can't wait to see how they turn out when they are bigger!!

They are all soooo cute! Born either Tues the 13th or Wed the 14th September! There are a total of 11, 3 buff, 2 white, 6 black and the older cochin makes 12!! Father is Henry, the buff orpington (now sold to Liz), and the mothers could be
White Sussex
New Hampshire Brown
Rhode Island Reds

how exciting it will be to see how they grow!!
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Monday, September 12, 2011

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Buff Cochins

8 hatched out of 8 eggs. Boy they ARE CUTE!! Born 13/08/11 , 6 sold to a fellow in Nambour, yah!
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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Nambour Ag Show 2011

Entered George in Christopher's name and he got Reserve Champion Junior Exhibitor! Very happy as he was up against 14 other very nice birds!

And these two lovely girls came second in pair of females, also very happy because they too were up against some nice pairs of all different breeds (as was George)

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